Sunday, October 30, 2011

Binary Option Abstraction

Abstract of Binary Option Trade
There are many ways to consider and explain what a binary option is, however, an abstract image as the one attached does little in fact with how binary options actually look like. This abstract rendition created by an artist is tantamount to how a binary options appears in the brain, although not based on any science or facts.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's 10:00 AM - do you know where your binary options are?

I have been asked time and again about the same question, what are binary options. This is not a difficult question to answer and I'd recommend that you simply look it up online to learn the details. The overall concept with a binary option is that it is a financial instrument that allows you to buy an "option" that has a binary decisional aspect to it. You can choose if the asset will do this-or-that and wager the investment on you best guess or estimation. While some people have a difficult time fully understanding what are binary options, it is critical to play it to fully understand, and that is what I recommend you do to learn about it further.